Yoleen International is a fully integratedfurniture provider offurniture and furniture solu-tions. The company focuses on and specializesin the manufacture &sourcing and supply chainmanagement. Besides,we set up our factory inboth Zhejiang and Guangdong province for ser-vice our customer The company sells products all over theworld, and set-up bases like in China both Guang-dong and Zhejiang province. The customer dis-tribute in HK, Singapore, Vietnam, Indone-sia, UK, USA, France, Australia etc. Under the mission to become aGlobal leader in the furniture industryby providing the best combination ofQuality, Value, Service and Integrity toour customers, Yoleen International isalways strengthening the company infra-structure at a World Class Level in allsegments-manufacturing, trading, andsales service. This high-level self-disci-pline coupled with global marketing, andvaluable experience in retails supplychain, has resulted in Yoleen International securing blue chip customers through-out the world. This young company is stil!expanding and growing, and welcomesall who share the same mission withYoleen International..